Glasgow Young Scots for Independence

An online political forum for the youth of Glasgow


Glasgow YSI

Sunday 3 February 2008

Why I believe in Independence for Scotland...

I’m a firm believer in Scottish Independence, I’ve been trudging around doorsteps since I was eleven years old delivering SNP leaflets, working for the cause. Throughout my short but sweet nationalist life span I come up against the ridiculous arguments against Independence, and so often I read social network sites which have traditional comments such as:

“Im sorry, why do we need independance? Scotland benefits hugely from our pact with England. Why do we need to change this? Because some people dislike the idea of solidatity? Our prime minister is Scottish, we have Holyrood, disbanding the union will just weaken Scotland.”

Source: A bebo user posting on the Highland Young Scots for Independence page – January ‘08

Whilst most Unionists are happy to leave the question, I, a member of Young Scots for Independence am more than happy to answer the question. Firstly, before going any further I would like to make a point of clarification that it's Independence and not Independance – so many people believe they are qualified to argue against the concepts of Scottish Independence, yet cannot spell the word.

The reason I believe we need independence is because, currently under the Union a quarter of all Scottish Children live in poverty, as do one in five pensioners, oil revenues have been squandered for over thirty years, reports have been deliberately hidden to rubbish Independence. In areas, particularly like one of my local areas, Shettleston, life expectancy is the lowest at an average of not much older than 59! Under the Union we have only 9% of the 646 MP's in the UK Parliament to represent Scottish constituencies - but then again, that's democracy isn’t it. No, it’s just unionism – out of date, out of touch and three hundred years overstayed.

For the record we do not have a pact with England. It is a Union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Why do we need to change this I hear you say? Because Scotland is a nation, and a nation is better governed itself. Our prime minister is Scottish, you're correct. Also, 10% of all Nobel Prize winners in the world are Scottish. Some of the best inventors ever to live were Scottish. More often than not Scots are told we cannot achieve Independence; we couldn’t go it on our own. Well I challenge to ask you why?

Once you catch the Unionist off guard and ask them that question you’ll get around eleven and half seconds of stuttering then they’ll come back and say “Aye, but we cannae afford it”

So, we address that hit and miss statement aswell. For example:

Scotland has 8.6% of the UK’s population, but raises 10.4% of all British Tax revenues, Scotland alone contributed £9.632 billion to the UK Treasury. I think it’s safe to say an Independent Scotland would be better of using that money itself…

There is a lack of self-confidence in this nation; I blame this lack of confidence on 300 years of corruption, lies, and tyranny. Since May 2007, the SNP government in Holyrood have gone a long way to restoring Scots trust and confidence but our confidence will only be fully restored when the Independence of our country is rightfully restored.

We voted for devolution in 1997, then an SNP in government in 2007 but now, it’s not long, the finish line is in sight, and ill assure you know it won’t take till 2017 for Scots to wake up and smell the coffee – Independence is inevitable. Independence is coming our way like a meteor, only this country will not be hit by rock, it will be hit with the powers that we need to function as an Independent nation.

London dictation has no place in the political sound bytes sweeping through national politics anymore – it’s time we rose and became that nation again.

- David Linden – Glasgow branch of Young Scots for Independence


Unknown said...

OK then, another blog to put holes into, couldn't think of a better way to spend my Monday morning. A few points to start with

"For the record we do not have a pact with England. It is a Union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland." Wrong we have a Treaty with England, or Act as some people call it.

"Why do we need to change this I hear you say? Because Scotland is a nation, and a nation is better governed itself." But you are kinda forgetting that in the world there are about 2,000 groups of people who could be called a nationality, and how many states in the world again? So most nations are not in fact states, and most nations seem to be doing OK.

"Also, 10% of all Nobel Prize winners in the world are Scottish. Some of the best inventors ever to live were Scottish." And they all flourished under the Union, so what is your point, it is not the nationality of these people it is important but the opportunities and opportunity's open to them.

"Scotland has 8.6% of the UK’s population, but raises 10.4% of all British Tax revenues, Scotland alone contributed £9.632 billion to the UK Treasury. I think it’s safe to say an Independent Scotland would be better of using that money itself…" which as you know is highly disputed, I don't want to get into my stats are more correct than your figures argument, so will just point out that your argument indicates at no point how much money will be actually needed, you need to back it up with facts, how much a Scottish army cost? the SNP pensions policy? the SNPs proposed rise in the minimum wage?

Glasgow YSI said...

Oh goody, another unionist to put holes into. Couldn't think of a better way to spend any of my mornings!

The first point you raise is that we don't have an act with england, you call it a treaty, which is true. However, you then go on to say that some people call it an act. So given that you are aware of that, why bother raising it as a mistake in this article? Clutching at straws me thinks.

You then go on to dispute the fact that Scotland isn't a nation. I would like to point out to you that in fact Scotland was independent before the treaty of union and in actual fact Scotland is the oldest nation in europe with the oldest flag in europe, the saltire. So, it is safe to say that Scotland is in all meanings of the word, a nation. You then say that most nations are doing OK. Well, I would say that Scotland is one of them. However, I am not merely satisfied with the fact that Scotland is doing OK. Infact I am frustrated, because if we were independent we could be an economic powerhouse of northern europe. We have ambition for Scotland, you have a lack of it.

What you also have to consider is that even after 300 years of union, why has a distinctivly Scottish identity still remained? When you look in history at places like the independent republic of Venice (now a major italian city), it has lost its sense of identity and evolved as an Italian city. Scotland, on the other hand has not done that, we have remained distinctivly Scottish. Why? Because we have a different history, culture, heritage law, education system and outlook to that of England. So your point about the union being the reason that Scotland has had great scientists, inventors, law officers etc. really is an argument without substance.

Finally, your figures argument. I agree with you that facts need to be backed up with figures and they always have been. Infact, if you weren't just writing your comment in response to this column, then you would have done your research to find out that Scotland could afford to spend just over 1% of GDP on our armed forces, similiar to countries such as independent Ireland and independent Norway. There is a whole compiler on the SNP website designed to answer all your questions.

Instead, you tried to "put holes" in to this article.

Instead of trying to rubbish the claims for an independent Scotland, why not try putting forward a positive argument for the union? Something that has yet to be heard frany unionist! Politicians have tried for decades to rubbish the Scottish call for independence. They have tried to rubbish our economics, our amition, our sense of urgency and the desire of the Scottish people to see their country do better. Each time, they have failed miserably.

Stewart McDonald

Unknown said...

“The first point you raise is that we don't have an act with england, you call it a treaty, which is true. However, you then go on to say that some people call it an act. So given that you are aware of that, why bother raising it as a mistake in this article? Clutching at straws me thinks.”

Or just highlighting your (or is it David's) lack of knowledge.

“You then go on to dispute the fact that Scotland isn't a nation.” no I don't dispute that Scotland is a nation, (re)read my comment.

“I would like to point out to you that in fact Scotland was independent before the treaty of union and in actual fact Scotland is the oldest nation in europe with the oldest flag in europe, the saltire.” However that is one of the worst arguments I have ever heard for nationhood.

You do redeem yourself slightly with this, “What you also have to consider is that even after 300 years of union, why has a distinctivly Scottish identity still remained....” But a long rant for nothing, as I am disagreeing that Scotland is a nation.

“Finally, your figures argument. I agree with you that facts need to be backed up with figures and they always have been. Infact, if you weren't just writing your comment in response to this column, then you would have done your research to find out that Scotland could afford to spend just over 1% of GDP on our armed forces, similiar to countries such as independent Ireland and independent Norway. There is a whole compiler on the SNP website designed to answer all your questions.” yeh facts and figures according to the SNP, so excuse me if I will wait for peer reviewed analysis to come out. But then how much do we know of SNP policies outside of the powers currently in Holyrood and a few other sensitive (to the SNP) issues, remember your research department does not need to have a fully costed Westminster manifesto, so excuse me if I don't rely on a SNP compiler, (do you have a link to it?).

Oh yeah and why do I not need to argue about the benefits of the Union, because I am not the one arguing for change from the status quo, we already have the majority of Scotland on our side. That is very simple politics, and considering you are in the SNP, I would expect you to know all about very simple politics. Which would bring me onto another point which is has been playing on my mind since the election, who decides your polices? populism or an ideology?